Season 2

July 27, 2020

Chain of Command 1&2

THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS! It's that Episode!  Trekkies know the one we're talking.  Picard is relieved of command and sent on a secret mission where he is captured and tortured by the Cardassians.  Meanwhile, back on the Enterprise, the...
July 20, 2020

The Inner Light

The one where Picard live another man's life for 45 years. In doing so, he gets to experience the one thing he never has in his own life - a family. It's a Road Not Taken story, and one of the best of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and even in all of...
July 13, 2020

I, Borg

It's HUGH! Everyone knows Hugh. But most importantly, this is the episode that fundamentally changed our understanding of the Borg forever. There as never a time when this episode wasn't on the list and here it is. If you're watching with us, the next...
July 6, 2020

The First Duty

Wesley Crusher is BACK! And Matt couldn't be more excited!And Tom Paris may have a thing or two to say about this episode, but that's for another time. Plus we meet the Infamous Boothby.  Hear all about Matt's heart stopping moment of the...
June 29, 2020

The Outcast

In the vein of experiencing the timeless nature of #StarTrek, this week we happen to be watching The Outcast, an episode that quite possibly speaks more to our day now than to the day it was created in.  Find out what Brent and Matt have to say...
June 21, 2020

Unification 1 and 2

In this episode, Old Trek touches New Trek, as Spock goes on the lamb and Picard is off to find out what he's up to. But there's a lot more going on in this episode than just a cool guest star. Listen in and find out everything else going on....
June 15, 2020

Ensign Ro

A little late is better than never. Here's our watch of Ensign Ro. Brent debated for a long time whether or not to include this, but in the end, it felt like a disservice to not introduce Matt to this character. Plus we get first mention of the Maquis...
June 8, 2020


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Kirk and the Gorn in Vasquez Rocks. Brent and Matt on the Mic. Socrates and Plato on the Lyceum. Kids on Saturday Morning. If you're watching with us, the next episode will be Ensign Ro.   If you want to contact the...
May 25, 2020

Redemption 1& 2

Worf's discommendation story comes to an end in this episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation....finally.  How does Matt handle the end of this story arc?  Plus, we finally get to meet the Duras sister, and a new baddie shows up, with a...
May 18, 2020

Half a Life

Surprise!!! It's a Lwaxana episode.  And Matt has feels about Lwaxana episodes.  But on the heels of Drumhead comes another hard hitter, showing once again why the world needs Star Trek.  Plus we are treated to great performances by...
May 11, 2020

The Drumhead

We have a saying on this show: The World Needs to Sit Down and Watch Star Trek Together. And this week's episode is THE perfect example of why. But what does our First Timer pull from this episode? Listen in and find out. If you're watching with us,...
April 27, 2020

First Contact

This episode fits the bill due to it's discussion of the Prime Directive and what can happen when it all goes wrong.  Riker is missing, and the emergent race is hostile to the idea that they aren't the center of the universe.  Plus its just...
April 19, 2020


In this episode, we revisit an old flame of Worf's. The only trouble is, we skipped that first episode. No worries, Brent's got it covered as Matt reacts kinda like Worf did to the big surprise. For our Patrons, Matt viewed "The Emissary" this week as...
April 14, 2020


This week on Beam Me Up, we dive into the episode Brothers. Lore is back, we finally meet Dr. Soong, and we introduce the emotion chip! Plus, we get to meet Worf's adoptive parents, the incomparable Rozhenko's, who has all the specs and diagrams at...
April 7, 2020


In this week's episode, we wrap up the Best of Both Worlds trilogy with the episode "Family."  We meet a lot of families, but mostly, we journey with Jean Luc Picard as he mentally recovers from his borg assimilation, and finds himself in a pit...
March 30, 2020

Best of Both Worlds Part 2

It's the exciting to conclusion to the best cliffhanger of all time, and our episode reviewing it is just as exciting. Find out how Matt reacts to end of the story on this week's Beam Me Up Podcast.   If you're watching with us, the next episode...
March 24, 2020

The Best of Both Worlds

There's absolutely no way you can do a "best of Star Trek" podcast and not do this episode. This is Matt's first time watching this episode, and we are here for every moment of it.  Relive all the great moments from this episode for the very...
March 17, 2020

Hollow Pursuits

Matt has one more character he has to meet before we get out of season 3 of #StarTrekTNG, Reginald Barclay. Lots to discuss with disorders and addiction, and even bullying, plus we get to meet Reg! It's Reg!   If you're watching with us, the next...
March 9, 2020

Sins of the Father

Worf finds out he's not the sole survivor of his family. Picard is a cha'dich, Klingons are everywhere, and Matt watches Sins of the Father for the first time. If you're watching with us, the next episode will be Hollow Pursuits.   If you want...
March 2, 2020

The Offspring

Data becomes a Daddy, and @asamatterofmatt goes on the same journey that Captain Picard does in this episode. The Offspring, an episode more important than we realized, is now playing at Beam Me Up Pod. If you're watching with us, the next episode...
Feb. 24, 2020

Yesterday's Enterprise

Tasha Yar is back...or is she? The Enterprise D comes in contact with a blast from the past, the Enterprise C. It's a thought provoking episode and Matt has questions.  And we discuss what you do when you have the chance to redo something that...
Feb. 19, 2020


Admittedly, it is a bit jarring to go from Q Who to Lwaxana Troi, but come on, it's Lwaxana, and Matt just had to meet her.  Besides being played by the First Lady of Star Trek, there are some clearly comical moments in this episode that...
Feb. 10, 2020

Q Who

When CBS decided to release Star Trek: The Next Generation, they celebrated each season's release by showing two episodes from each season in the theaters.  For season 2, it was The Measure of a Man, and of course, this episode- the one where we...
Feb. 3, 2020

The Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man is perhaps THE seminal episode of season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation.  It's the one where Data goes on trial to determine his status as a living being.  It's an episode that has repercussions even to today. ...