Season 3

Jan. 26, 2021

Deep Space Nine | The Search Parts 1&2

Sisko and the crew take a new ship to the Gamma Quadrant to try to find the Dominion's leaders, the Founders, to try to make peace. What they find is Matrix type simulation waiting for them once captured, and Odo learns he IS a Founder. Matt's been...
Jan. 18, 2021

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Jem'Hadar

Sisko takes Jake and Nog, and reluctantly Quark too, on a camping trip to the Gamma Quadrant where he runs into the ruthless soldiers of the Dominion. It's getting real now, but what will Matt, our first time watcher think? Will he realize how big...
Jan. 11, 2021

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Collaborator

We are back with a brand new episode, #StarTrekDS9's "The Collaborator." It's the eve of the election for Kai, & Kira must investigate Bareil for charges of being a Cardassian Collaborator, which could derail his chances. Matt has some words about...
Jan. 4, 2021

Laying in the Course for DS9 Season 3 with guest Dan Davidson

We ended 2020 with the finale of #StarTrekTNG and now we're kicking off 2021 with another very special episode: Laying In the Course: w/ guest of the Podcast. We will take a look at DS9 season 3 to see what ep's we will be covering, which ones will...
Dec. 28, 2020

Star Trek: The Next Generation | All Good Things

All Good Things... ...must come to an end. It's the series finale of #TNG. What will our first time viewer make of this episode, the return of Judge Q and a time hopping Picard.   If you're watching with us, the next episode will be The...
Dec. 14, 2020

Star Trek: The Next Generation | Preemptive Strike

The Ro Laren story line comes to a close as the Maquis story line ramps up. This one is a look into the growth and inner workings of the Maquis. But will Matt see it that way, or will he wonder why this one is part of our limited run? If you're...
Dec. 7, 2020

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Crossover

Matt takes a surprise trip back to what he now knows is the Mirror universe and discovers what happened after Kirk gave a goateed Spock a little speech. Plus Matt's reaction when he found out where this was taking place is priceless.   If...
Nov. 29, 2020

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Wire

It's the one all about Garak. We find out about his backstory...or do we? Either way, Bashir must work to save his life from a malfunctioning brain implant which causes him to dive deeper into Garak's past to figure out how to save him.   If...
Nov. 23, 2020

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Maquis, Parts 1 and 2

Federation colonists, attacked by the Cardassians and abandoned by the Federation take up arms to fight back against their oppressors and defend their homes. Matt catches up with the Maquis in this week's episode of Beam Me Up. A 2 parter!   If...
Nov. 16, 2020

Star Trek: The Next Generation | Journey's End

Wesley's Journey on Star Trek: The Next Generation comes to a close, but his bigger journey is just beginning. Matt is a big fan of Wesley, but what does he think of Moody Wesley, and where Wesley is going in the future? Find out this week on Beam Me...
Nov. 9, 2020

Star Trek: The Next Generation | The Pegasus

Riker's former captain is back, and so is the dark past he brings with him. Now Riker has to choose between his reputation and what is right in this week's episode of Beam Me Up. But there's a lot more going on here that our first time watcher needs...
Oct. 26, 2020

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Necessary Evil

It's Star Trek's version of "When Odo Met Kira," but something much more sinister is happening. Our first time watcher dives into the history of Empok Nor in this one.   If you're watching with us, the next episode will be Blood Oath from Star...
Oct. 21, 2020

Answering the Hails 4

We have been receiving emails, tweets, and messages from you guys, the Beam Me Up Community, or as we call you, the Crew. We'll respond to all of your communications in this special episode.   If you'd like to send us any hails, you can do that...
Oct. 19, 2020

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine |Rules of Acquistion

Quark is tapped by the Grand Nagus to secure a business relationship in the Gamma Quadrant and his new right hand "man," Pel, is hoping to secure a personal relationship with Quark.  It's the one where it all starts, and Matt is here to speculate...
Oct. 12, 2020


Picard and Beverly are psychically linked, hearing each other's inner most thoughts, and exploring their latent feelings towards each other.  And Matt gets an even firmer footing on the weird relationship between Picard and Beverly, but most...
Sept. 27, 2020

Deep Space Nine | The Circle Trilogy

Homecoming / The Circle / The Siege
Sept. 21, 2020

Star Trek: The Next Generation | Descent 1&2

Lore is back and this time Data has gone over to his brother's side to assist in his conquest of organics and bring about the rise of the machines! It's the season 6/7 cliffhanger that Matt watches for the first time. Join us as we discuss Descent...
Sept. 14, 2020

In the Hands of the Prophets

Vedeks Winn and Bariel make their debuts on DS9, and it's probably the most Roddenberry esque #StarTrek episode from #DS9 that we've watched. But does our first time watcher like it? Has he rethought his position on Duet? Find out in this episode....
Sept. 8, 2020

Duet from Deep Space Nine

Kira comes face to face with the Butcher of Galitep...or does she? It's a fan favorite episode, but do you remember your response the very first time you watched it? Matt has one you might not be ready for in this episode of Beam Me Up. If you're...
Sept. 2, 2020

Battle Lines from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

The Kai is dead. Until she isn't anymore, but that doesn't mean she can go home. But that doesn't stop Kira from having to come to terms with her past. This may not be the greatest episode, but it one with lots of repercussions going forward. If...
Aug. 22, 2020

Tapestry from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Picard is dead and Q is God, and Q gives Picard a chance to correct one of his life's biggest regrets, but in doing so, Picard gets an even bigger regret - not becoming the man he was meant to become. Star Trek does It's A Wonderful Life on Beam Me...
Aug. 12, 2020

Past Prologue

Brent and Matt watch the second episode from Deep Space Nine and get a sense of what life will be like on board the station. Plus, there's simply someone Matt has to meet- plain, simple Garak. What does our first time watcher think of Garak? Listen...
Aug. 4, 2020


This is a longer episode than normal, but that's really just because along with the plot of the episode, we have a lot of new characters, a new setting, a new tone, and more to discuss.  We promise, next week we're back to our normal run time. We...